Thursday, 30 September 2010

More sick this time it is hers.

Socrates:  Sorry you are sick Charlotte - hope you are better tomorrow.   We didn't get very far today and how dull can you make those scenes - all I did was admire some bare trees and eat stew.   And that is so not me and Angus you have communicating there/
Charlotte:  Sorry Soc to use one of your brothers phrases today my innards feel like someone has chewed them up and spat them back inside me.
Socrates:  I know you look like you have been poisoned.
Charlotte:  Yeah think it was red cabbage what did it.  Although it isn't a Covesea Island type poisoning.
Socrates:  I'm not a total idiot you know, I may not live in your world but I have a basic idea how it works.  It isn't that much different to my own.
Charlotte:  Never seen you as an idiot - intellectually you are my brightest character, well you and Nate together.
Socrates:  I know we work so well together shame in order to get stories you need to keep seperating us.  Promise me before you die you will do us a together forever story.
Charlotte:  Do you I deal I'll write it after I have found an agent and got this trilogy out before I complete Stitching Time - is that a deal?
Socrates: Sounds good to me any idea for a title?
Charlotte:  How about Every Little Thing He does is Magic?
Socrates: That is rubbish - if you want my cooperation for this story better come up with a better title for the end of my fairy tale.
Charlotte:  OK what about Love Goes On? Our Song?  The One Thing We Never Discuss?
Socrates:  None of them make me feel confident about our reunification involving full reinstatement of Nate and use living together for ever as Socrates and Nate.
Charlotte:  Ahh I was thinking about bringing him back as a girl?
Socrates:  No offense but yuck no way - I want Nate.
Charlotte:  OK will think about .  I promise
Socrates Keep me updated and I will help you out of your writers block.

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