Friday, 1 October 2010


Charlotte:  Fireflies
Socrates:  What about them?
Charlotte: Title for the book where you and Nate are going to reunited.
Socrates: You want to turn us into fireflies?
Charlotte:  No but they are going to be used to bring you back together.
Socrates:  Hardly major Romance stuff though.
Charlotte:  What about 'Never As it Seems?'
Socrates: Prefer fireflies, never as it seems is maintaining the bringing him back as a woman threat.
Charlotte:  You and Me?
Socrates: Univentive - this isn't working I need something amazing to go out of your stories with.
Charlotte:  Who said you were leaving the stories>
Socrates: I think at over 130 at the end of this I would like to retire.  Angus will be dead, Anya seems like a cool character but I dunno I just assumed you would let me go.
Charlotte: That is a very sad thought not sure I can.  Anyway I'll but some thought into it.   What about - Good Night Tonight?
Socrates:  Right lines but not sure I want to be killed off first involves me doing something you know I just don't think I can.
Charlotte: OK Soc, we'll work this out.  Anyway I found an old opening - looks like you may escape snot on your overcoat afterall - it is better than I remember
Socrates: Please tell me you didn't tell me you didn't put me through all that disgusting scene for no good reason?
Charlotte:  Sorry Soc might have done, we'll see maybe I can still get snot on your overcoat if you like.
Socrates: Pass.  Anyway time to go for now I am busy you got me learning to sew remember it is playing havoc with immaculate hands.  So much for being born a Prince.
Charlotte: You know your much better than a Prince.
Socrates: Depends which book.

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