Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Nathaniel Smith

I am the partner of Socrates.  I am around 6ft3 with dark hair and eyes.  I often wear an eyepatch it started with an injury as a teen, but it has proved useful in my professional life as a spy. Charlotte is going to give me my own blog once she has moved house, I am going to be a new major character in her books.  It's great I am not getting kidnapped or killed.

Nice to meet ya all
Nate xxx

Starting Over

Socrates:  I am feeling a bit neglected you have been gone for two days
Charlotte:  Sorry Soc, problems with plumbing at the new house.  Great news I have changed our stories we don't have to kill Nate off, you get to keep him
Socrates:  Well that has been almost worth being ignored for I guess.  What made you change your mind?
Charlotte:  Fireflies - was watching the performance and it came into my head.  What About Us and Bad Romance are still stories to be told but they can wait we are now concerntrating on Dragonfly, it is about Bea being kidnapped and you and Nate going to find her.  Oh and you and Angus get to be good friends - it is a much more positive story.
Socrates:  Sounds like a plan Charlotte, Thank You.  I feel so much better - do I get to keep my coat clean?
Charlotte:  Can't promise but I can try.
Socrates:  Well who would have thought it my life has improved.  Anyway i got plans for the day see you later.
*Soc disappears whistling*

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Who is Nate

Charlotte:  I need you to talk to me about Nate, right now I am having trouble working out who on earth he is and what your relationship is.
Socrates: Charlotte that is shocking - I have loved Nate all my life how can you not know.
Charlotte: I have just spent six months inside Angus's head interacting with Nate I know how to be his 'little brother'  I am really struggling being Nate's lover.  All I know is he wears an eyepatch will you put some thought into it for me and tomorrow we will work out all about you and Nate so I can tell your story.
Socrates: OK Charlotte that is a deal - I look forward to it.

Friday, 1 October 2010


Charlotte:  Fireflies
Socrates:  What about them?
Charlotte: Title for the book where you and Nate are going to reunited.
Socrates: You want to turn us into fireflies?
Charlotte:  No but they are going to be used to bring you back together.
Socrates:  Hardly major Romance stuff though.
Charlotte:  What about 'Never As it Seems?'
Socrates: Prefer fireflies, never as it seems is maintaining the bringing him back as a woman threat.
Charlotte:  You and Me?
Socrates: Univentive - this isn't working I need something amazing to go out of your stories with.
Charlotte:  Who said you were leaving the stories>
Socrates: I think at over 130 at the end of this I would like to retire.  Angus will be dead, Anya seems like a cool character but I dunno I just assumed you would let me go.
Charlotte: That is a very sad thought not sure I can.  Anyway I'll but some thought into it.   What about - Good Night Tonight?
Socrates:  Right lines but not sure I want to be killed off first involves me doing something you know I just don't think I can.
Charlotte: OK Soc, we'll work this out.  Anyway I found an old opening - looks like you may escape snot on your overcoat afterall - it is better than I remember
Socrates: Please tell me you didn't tell me you didn't put me through all that disgusting scene for no good reason?
Charlotte:  Sorry Soc might have done, we'll see maybe I can still get snot on your overcoat if you like.
Socrates: Pass.  Anyway time to go for now I am busy you got me learning to sew remember it is playing havoc with immaculate hands.  So much for being born a Prince.
Charlotte: You know your much better than a Prince.
Socrates: Depends which book.